Shipping Policy

Transportation policy
We are proud to provide global free delivery service! Please note that it takes us an average of 3 to 5 working days to complete your order before delivery. Please rest assured that we will do our best to deliver your order to you as soon as possible! Once your order is shipped, the estimated delivery time is 7 to 15 working days, depending on your country or region. Please consider that any holiday, natural disaster or epidemic may affect the delivery time.
For pre ordered or backordered goods:
If your order contains pre ordered or delayed goods, we will immediately ship any goods we have in stock, and when we have goods, we will immediately ship pre ordered or delayed goods. They are available. Therefore, if you order more than one item in one order and only receive some items, please don't worry, you will receive other items soon.
Track your order:
If you provide your mobile phone number, you will receive a confirmation email and / or text message with a tracking ID and a link to track the package journey. To track your package, you can visit our tracking page.
Please allow 1 to 3 working days to display tracking information.
Incorrect address Disclaimer:
The buyer is responsible for ensuring that the delivery address entered is correct. We do our best to speed up processing and shipping time, so there is always a small window to correct incorrect shipping addresses. If you think the delivery address you provided is incorrect, please contact contact us.
return goods:
By placing an order in the top trend store, you will be responsible for the freight back to the top trend store. For more information on how to return goods, please refer to our refund policy.
Lost / stolen packages:
Best trends online store is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If your tracking information indicates that your package has been delivered to your address, but you have not received it, please report to your respective carriers according to the information provided to you on our tracking page. If you have any questions about how to do this, please contact Contact our customer support team.